1. More people are killed each year by dogs, pigs and deer than by sharks. The United States averages just 16 shark attacks each year and slightly less than one shark-attack fatality every two years. Meanwhile, in the coastal U.S. states alone, lightning strikes and kills more than 41 people each year.
2. the Mako shark is the fastest swimmer in the ocean clocking between 43 and 60 miles per hour
3. Alligators can run at speeds of up to 20 miles per hour. However that speed can only be maintained for a very short distance.
4. Alligators are not immune to snake poison. However, they do have extremely tough skin
1 Dont stop breathing
2 Plan your dive and dive your plan
3 Dont stop breathing
I know I know I should be diving but I wont be until Sunday. Long story, but then again all of mine are.
My booties are in! and they fit.
I have removed my knife (with great effort and at personal risk) and placed it in a safebox in my dive bag for safe keeping. I figure I will not need it to dive inthe pool and do not want to be tempted to use it. I promise to use it "only for good" (like my marshmallow shooter. {You will learn more about that as the summer goes on})
Just need my hood and gloves and probably a safety sausage. Every diver should have one of those. I think I want a yellow or orange one, to coordinate with the rest of my stuff. it should blend with the theme but be a splash of color. These decisions are not to be made lightly.
Anyway, I now have a logbook to enter all my dives in (actually I have 3 but cant figure what goes where in any onf them so I will draw my own stuff) and a rashguard (we would not want me getting a rash now would we) and I have begun my saveadive kit.
A saveadive (save -a-dive) kit is the little kit divers have for things that they or their dive buddy might need, break or have use for in the case of emergency. this should include extra straps, o rings, extra batteries and other items.
I have a first aid kit with cat in the hat band aids, a pocket knife with 12 attachments of which I only recognize 8 and can only get 4 out anyway, mask defogger, D rings , duct tape (Dennis says I can fix anything with duct tape.finstrap breaks? duct tape it to your foot. Hole in hose? Duct tape it Tank strap sliding? duct tape it to you Makes sense and that scares me) an empty bottle/paper and pen, tissues, a map of NJ, 2 stamps, q-tips and tic tacs. I have no idea what it would take to save my dive but I guess I will find out.
I have watched the video and taken the first test in the book. I am ready.
I think I will buy a new towel for Sunday, one with fishes on it. Sounds like a plan. See...I am thinking like a diver already. 2 Plan your dive and dive your plan
Bye! Love yas I have to go shopping