The Inlet Dive was Informative

Well I did the Inlet dive. It was interesting and informative. Which dive do you want to hear about? I guess I will have to split them in two.

The informative dive and how I learned that…….

They really will push me in if I get even close to the water
You should use your compass when you are lost cause otherwise you will be in the boating lanes.
Those fishing charter boats are REALLY BIG.
Try not to get the buddy who says “My stomach doesn’t feel so good” when you are putting on your gear.
When you surface, and you hear your buddy yell “I’m over here rolf …rolf… rolf…” you don’t want to go over there cause they are throwing up.
I can get lost 3 times in 8 minutes without trying.
It is very trying on my buddy when I get lost 3 times in 8 minutes.
My hood does not fit right.
45 lbs of weight is very hard to tread water with. You shouldn’t forget to inflate your BCD to help.
You shouldn’t try to talk until you do inflate your BCD
You can’t …..hold a starfish, hold your flashlight, pull your hood out of your mouth and inflate your BCD at the same time. Something is going in your eye, never lick a starfish, you have to put the regulator in your mouth and not just bite the hose, and 45 lbs of weight is hard to tread water with.
Don’t slip on the rocks getting out.
When you are laying flat on your face on a 12 in wide wall, wearing 95lbs of wet gear, you cannot get up to you knees to get your gear off or so that someone can help you stand up and walk out.
When one of your dive buddies, after the dive, says “Jump off the wall, I’ll catch you!” he is only kidding.

I am sure I learned other things too, I just can’t remember them all.

I will tell you the rest later
