A new supply of round tuits has arrived and are available from Mary. Anyone who has been putting off work until they got a round tuit now has no excuse for further procrastination.
Thank goodness none of us needed to get a round tuit. Tuesday’s boat dive with Chris was cancelled, but not to be deterred, a round of diving at Dutch was planned.
I hadn’t been to Dutch yet this year. I missed opening day and the flurry of socializing and diving after a long winters run. Life just gets in the way some times. But it didn’t stop our band of merry divers from partaking of the sun and warm air, uncrowded conditions and what is surely the last of the good spring viz on this day.
Getting up at 2AM to get organized at home and get out, I was actually on time and someone, we won’t say who, was not ready…. Hmmmm.
We are meeting friends old and new. Myself, High Maintenance…. I mean BoomerNJ Chris, Dr. Frnak, Jay (Couped243), John, a single diver we adopted on the spot and Kelli (Scubanicely) who brought chicken! I like her, I don’t care what Frnak says.
As usual we were a mix of g
ear, tanks and ability and the fact that it doesn’t matter is what I enjoy about this group. As we geared up there was hood whining, and hose problems and someone who did not follow the underoo advice, but he learned. Lots of learning ….. things like weight placement, hose management, recipes for zoo animals and the fact that you cannot lock your keys in the tire well….you need them to open the door to open the well…. as well as it’s not as easy to disconnect the car alarm as you would think.
I clipped on my compass just in case I was called upon to lead, but by the time everyone stopped laughing the car had been locked and so I kept it with me just in case. Where do people hear these stories? Soon we were off with Doctor Directions AKA Frnak, in the lead and our gaggle of divers following behind.
We visited the school bus and then on to the un-named boat with most of us leaving there and heading to the HellDiver Plane. Upon arriving at the plane a quick head count made a conversation with our lead diver necessary. After a brief moment of confusion where Frank thought my gloves didn’t fit and my hands were cold, he did the math and flashed me the “yep! ones missing” sign. As we turned to search for our errant member, through the haze of silt appeared our wayward son, hereinafter to remain in sight.
Our trip back to the docks remained uneventful save a run in with a large speckled trout who insisted on not giving Frank the right of way. A quick smack sent him my way and the obligatory game of chase and poke was on. I won.
The surface interval was pleasant as usual with warm sunshine, plenty of food, good conversation and good natured teasing. A tent with no floor piqued our curiosity and Kelli and I made a quick trip over to say hello and get the scoop. What can I say… it had to be done. Lastly, a quick stop to say hello to Carl and friends and then we were gearing up for our next dive.
This little jaunt took us over the helicopter, past the underwater bushes, around the telephone poles and to the tanker where Frank was found playing with the bathroom sink. I am sure this was strategically placed for future reference before we headed on back in. We had 46F water at 68fsw and about 30 foot of viz….depending on who you were diving behind.
As we stood on the dock removing our fins, we watched as John took some extra water time to practice shooting a bag before joining us topside. Nice job.
While it may not be opening day….. so begins the season. See you in the water….. when I get a round tuit. Maybe I’ll get one for my birthday…. who knows.
Thank goodness none of us needed to get a round tuit. Tuesday’s boat dive with Chris was cancelled, but not to be deterred, a round of diving at Dutch was planned.
I hadn’t been to Dutch yet this year. I missed opening day and the flurry of socializing and diving after a long winters run. Life just gets in the way some times. But it didn’t stop our band of merry divers from partaking of the sun and warm air, uncrowded conditions and what is surely the last of the good spring viz on this day.
Getting up at 2AM to get organized at home and get out, I was actually on time and someone, we won’t say who, was not ready…. Hmmmm.
We are meeting friends old and new. Myself, High Maintenance…. I mean BoomerNJ Chris, Dr. Frnak, Jay (Couped243), John, a single diver we adopted on the spot and Kelli (Scubanicely) who brought chicken! I like her, I don’t care what Frnak says.
As usual we were a mix of g
I clipped on my compass just in case I was called upon to lead, but by the time everyone stopped laughing the car had been locked and so I kept it with me just in case. Where do people hear these stories? Soon we were off with Doctor Directions AKA Frnak, in the lead and our gaggle of divers following behind.
We visited the school bus and then on to the un-named boat with most of us leaving there and heading to the HellDiver Plane. Upon arriving at the plane a quick head count made a conversation with our lead diver necessary. After a brief moment of confusion where Frank thought my gloves didn’t fit and my hands were cold, he did the math and flashed me the “yep! ones missing” sign. As we turned to search for our errant member, through the haze of silt appeared our wayward son, hereinafter to remain in sight.
Our trip back to the docks remained uneventful save a run in with a large speckled trout who insisted on not giving Frank the right of way. A quick smack sent him my way and the obligatory game of chase and poke was on. I won.
The surface interval was pleasant as usual with warm sunshine, plenty of food, good conversation and good natured teasing. A tent with no floor piqued our curiosity and Kelli and I made a quick trip over to say hello and get the scoop. What can I say… it had to be done. Lastly, a quick stop to say hello to Carl and friends and then we were gearing up for our next dive.
This little jaunt took us over the helicopter, past the underwater bushes, around the telephone poles and to the tanker where Frank was found playing with the bathroom sink. I am sure this was strategically placed for future reference before we headed on back in. We had 46F water at 68fsw and about 30 foot of viz….depending on who you were diving behind.
As we stood on the dock removing our fins, we watched as John took some extra water time to practice shooting a bag before joining us topside. Nice job.
While it may not be opening day….. so begins the season. See you in the water….. when I get a round tuit. Maybe I’ll get one for my birthday…. who knows.