I found my “Bob” #3053 in February of 2007 on Alhambra Beach, Venice Beach, Florida……. "Bobs" are numbered cement shark teeth that are planted around Venice Beach to keep divers interested in searching for shark teeth and possibly finding that one real meg.
The Story....
There is a gentleman in Venice Beach Fl. who makes these fake shark's teeth...His name is Bob, and he is as much a legend in VB as dive operators think he is a menace (unsuspecting noobs bring their "Bobs" to the dive shop thinking they found the mother load of a tooth - for Bobs that are black, or black and grey)
Bob's wife won't let him make them just anywhere in the house... He is relegated to the bathroom (Hence... Water Closet Productions)
Periodically through the year, Bob will make dives at VB and seed the bottom with his "Bobs", or he may just place one on the entrance signage to the beach.
Finding one (they can be pretty heavy) is a pain. You have to carry it around for the rest of the dive... most people don't carry a bag big enough to fit a Bob...
It's all very humorous, and most of us appreciate the man, the legend ... The Bob!
As told by ~ Cooltech
There is a gentleman in Venice Beach Fl. who makes these fake shark's teeth...His name is Bob, and he is as much a legend in VB as dive operators think he is a menace (unsuspecting noobs bring their "Bobs" to the dive shop thinking they found the mother load of a tooth - for Bobs that are black, or black and grey)
Bob's wife won't let him make them just anywhere in the house... He is relegated to the bathroom (Hence... Water Closet Productions)
Periodically through the year, Bob will make dives at VB and seed the bottom with his "Bobs", or he may just place one on the entrance signage to the beach.
Finding one (they can be pretty heavy) is a pain. You have to carry it around for the rest of the dive... most people don't carry a bag big enough to fit a Bob...
It's all very humorous, and most of us appreciate the man, the legend ... The Bob!
As told by ~ Cooltech